We don’t normally make videos showcasing businesses, but we had the pleasure of having Great Shakes in Palm Springs, CA. Needless to say, we were very impressed with their product. We actually ended up going there a few times during our stay in the area. The video below was created to show our experience. Great […]
Palm Springs Thousand Trails
Coachella Valley Preserve

We can easily say that the Coachella Valley Preserve is one of the most beautiful places we found in Southern California. We went to the preserve with no expectation and were overwhelmed with how stunning it turned out to be. To showcase our experience, we created the YouTube video below. I have also included a […]
Salvation Mountain and Slab City

During our stay in Palm Springs, we made a trip to see Salvation Mountain. Salvation Mountain is located very close to the entrance of Slab City. Slab City is known as the last free place in the USA since there is little to no government involvement. After our tour of Salvation Mountain, we made our […]
Salton Sea and Bombay Beach

The Salton Sea is located about an hour southeast of Palm Springs, CA. We were very surprised at the beauty of the Salton Sea. We had heard it was more of an ecological disaster than a beautiful state park. If you are not familiar with the Salton Sea, they have yearly fish die-offs which result […]
Palm Springs Thousand Trails Resort – Review

While in Southern California, we stayed at Palm Springs Thousand Trails RV Resort. The resort is absolutely beautiful and there are palm trees scattered throughout every site. It is truly a site to behold. We created the YouTube video below to showcase the resort. There is some additional information under the video as well. The […]